You Searched For: Hydrometers

Hydrometers measure the specific gravity of liquids or soil grains that are too fine for sieve analysis. The free floating device features a cylindrical stem with a ballast bulb bottom. Weighted with metal instead of lead or mercury, users simply read the graduated measurement at the meniscus. Optically clear for exact conclusions, hydrometers may come calibrated for specific tests. Range subdivisions and accuracy levels differ among the relative density analyzing instruments.

Hydrometers measure the specific gravity of liquids or soil grains that are too fine for sieve analysis. The free floating device features a cylindrical stem with a ballast bulb bottom. Weighted with metal instead of lead or mercury, users simply read the graduated measurement at the meniscus. Optically clear for exact conclusions, hydrometers may come calibrated for specific tests. Range subdivisions and accuracy levels differ among the relative density analyzing instruments.

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Description: With range of 1.150 to 1.200 Specific Gravity, 0.001 divisions, and 26cm length.
Catalog Number: 34676-543
Supplier: VWR International

Description: Specific gravity range: 1.350/1.400. Length: 26cm. With 0.001 divisions.
Catalog Number: 35126-082
Supplier: VWR International

Description: Specific gravity range: 1.050/1.100. Length: 26cm. With 0.001 divisions.
Catalog Number: 35126-013
Supplier: VWR International

Description: With range of 1.250 to 1.300 Specific Gravity, 0.001 divisions, and 26cm length.
Catalog Number: 35126-049
Supplier: VWR International

Description: With range of 1.300 to 1.350 Specific Gravity, 0.001 divisions, and 26cm length.
Catalog Number: 35126-060
Supplier: VWR International

Description: With range of 1.100 to 1.150 Specific Gravity, 0.001 divisions, and 26cm length.
Catalog Number: 34676-420
Supplier: VWR International

Description: For liquids lighter than water. Specific Gravity Range: 0.700 to 0.810. Subdivisions: 0.001. Approximate Length: 300mm. Temperature Standard: 60[degree]/60[degree]F.
Catalog Number: 34629-011
Supplier: VWR International

Description: For liquids heavier than water. Specific Gravity Range: 1.500 to 2.000. Subdivisions: 0.002. Approximate Length: 300mm. Temperature Standard: 60[degree]/60[degree]F.
Catalog Number: 34622-250
Supplier: VWR International

Description: Proof range: 104 to 125. Length: 305mm. With 0.2 proof divisions.
Catalog Number: 34605-052
Supplier: VWR International

Description: Proof range: 125 to 145. Length: 305mm. With 0.2 proof divisions.
Catalog Number: 34605-054
Supplier: VWR International

Description: Specific gravity range: 2.000 to 3.000. Length: 30.5cm. With 0.01 divisions. For liquids considerably heavier than water.
Catalog Number: 34620-100
Supplier: VWR International

Description: For liquids heavier than water. Specific Gravity Range: 1.800 to 2.000. Subdivisions: 0.002. Approximate Length: 300mm. Temperature Standard: 60[degree]/60[degree]F.
Catalog Number: 34622-103
Supplier: VWR International

Description: 90/110% Proof, 0.2 divisions, 305mm length.
Catalog Number: 34605-050
Supplier: VWR International

Description: For liquids lighter than water. Specific Gravity Range: 0.690 to 0.800. Subdivisions: 0.002. Approximate Length: 165mm. Temperature Standard: 60[degree]/60[degree]F.
Catalog Number: 34625-600
Supplier: VWR International

Description: Proof range: 185 to 206. Length: 305mm. With 0.2 proof divisions.
Catalog Number: 34605-015
Supplier: VWR International

Description: Proof range: 0 to 20. Length: 305mm. With 0.2 proof divisions.
Catalog Number: 34605-000
Supplier: VWR International

17 - 32 of 481