You Searched For: Detergents and Surface Cleansers

Containing surfactants, detergents and surface cleaners lower the surface tension which improves the ability of water to spread and dampen over a larger area. Unlike soaps that require mechanical exertion through scrubbing, these cleaning agents immediately attack microorganisms present without leaving residue. Routinely using the cleaners will maintain even the most critical environments. The aqueous soluble detergents and surface cleansers come in various synthetic chemical mixtures to make grease or grime easier to wipe away.

Containing surfactants, detergents and surface cleaners lower the surface tension which improves the ability of water to spread and dampen over a larger area. Unlike soaps that require mechanical exertion through scrubbing, these cleaning agents immediately attack microorganisms present without leaving residue. Routinely using the cleaners will maintain even the most critical environments. The aqueous soluble detergents and surface cleansers come in various synthetic chemical mixtures to make grease or grime easier to wipe away.

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Catalog Number: 76554-260

Description: Excellent for use with sample bottles, Label-Off Label Remover removes labels quickly and easily including the gummy residue other cleaners leave behind.
Catalog Number: 62866-188
Supplier: Bel-Art Products, a Part of SP

Catalog Number: 10324-400
Supplier: Hardy Diagnostics

Catalog Number: 10132-302

Description: NeutraKlean, Neutral Detergent with 0.3% amine oxide in purified water, Neutral pH, Low foaming detergent action, Low level of surfactant, Trigger spray can be set to jet or spray, Sterile, Ideal for use on floors/walls and benches, Filtration: 0.22 micron, Size: 5l, Capped
Catalog Number: 75982-116
Supplier: CONTEC, INC. MX

Description: For soak, manual, and ultrasonic cleaning applications. User-friendly bottle provides easy dispensing and eliminates caking. Completely soluble, free-rinsing, and residue-free.
Catalog Number: 89234-802
Supplier: Decon Labs

Description: NeutraKlean, Neutral Detergent with 0.3% amine oxide in purified water, Neutral pH, Low foaming detergent action, Low level of surfactant, Trigger spray can be set to jet or spray, Sterile, Ideal for use on floors/walls and benches, Filtration: 0.22micron, Size: 1l, Trigger spray
Catalog Number: 75982-114
Supplier: CONTEC, INC. MX

Description: 1Gal For Clean-In-Place systems. For removing a wide variety of contaminants from stainless steel, glass, and plastic surfaces.Extremely free-rinsing, phosphate-free.
Catalog Number: 89233-158
Supplier: Decon Labs

Description: 2KG For use in any automatic labware washing machine. Contains phosphates. Chlorinated for biohazard control. Non-corrosive to machine components - pumps, seals, liners.
Catalog Number: 89234-788
Supplier: Decon Labs

Description: 4LB For use in manual, soak or ultrasonic cleaning of labware, scientific apparatus and process equipment. Completely soluble, free-rinsing and safe to dispose straight to drain.
Catalog Number: 89234-818
Supplier: Decon Labs

Catalog Number: TS46425-0100
Supplier: Thermo Scientific Chemicals

Description: 1Gal For use in descaling, mineral removal, oxide removal or in applications where an acidic detergent is indicated. Formulated with organic acid. Can be used as a manual, soak or ultrasonic cleaner.
Catalog Number: 89234-834
Supplier: Decon Labs

Catalog Number: TS46425-0025
Supplier: Thermo Scientific Chemicals

Catalog Number: TS46425-0010
Supplier: Thermo Scientific Chemicals

Catalog Number: TS46425-2500
Supplier: Thermo Scientific Chemicals

Description: For soak, manual, and ultrasonic cleaning applications. User-friendly bottle provides easy dispensing and eliminates caking. Completely soluble, free-rinsing, and residue-free.
Catalog Number: 89234-800
Supplier: Decon Labs

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