You Searched For: Detergents and Surface Cleansers

Containing surfactants, detergents and surface cleaners lower the surface tension which improves the ability of water to spread and dampen over a larger area. Unlike soaps that require mechanical exertion through scrubbing, these cleaning agents immediately attack microorganisms present without leaving residue. Routinely using the cleaners will maintain even the most critical environments. The aqueous soluble detergents and surface cleansers come in various synthetic chemical mixtures to make grease or grime easier to wipe away.

Containing surfactants, detergents and surface cleaners lower the surface tension which improves the ability of water to spread and dampen over a larger area. Unlike soaps that require mechanical exertion through scrubbing, these cleaning agents immediately attack microorganisms present without leaving residue. Routinely using the cleaners will maintain even the most critical environments. The aqueous soluble detergents and surface cleansers come in various synthetic chemical mixtures to make grease or grime easier to wipe away.

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Catalog Number: EM1.07555.9010
Supplier: MilliporeSigma

Catalog Number: EM1.07555.9025
Supplier: MilliporeSigma

Catalog Number: EM1.07553.9010
Supplier: MilliporeSigma

Catalog Number: EM1.07555.1000
Supplier: MilliporeSigma

Description: 1L. Removes contamination, burnt-on residues, and organic materials. Phosphate- and halogen-free. Use in ultrasonic cleaning baths. For use on glass, plastic, quartz, porcelain, and more. Dose: 10 to 200mL/L. pH of 1% solution: 10.1.
Catalog Number: EM-EX0996-2

Description: 20L. Removes contamination, burnt-on residues, and organic materials. Phosphate- and halogen-free. Use in ultrasonic cleaning baths. For use on glass, plastic, quartz, porcelain, and more. Dose: 10 to 200mL/L. pH of 1% solution: 10.1.
Catalog Number: EM-EX0996-7
Supplier: MilliporeSigma

Description: 205L. Removes contamination, burnt-on residues, and organic materials. Phosphate- and halogen-free. Use in ultrasonic cleaning baths. For use on glass, plastic, quartz, porcelain, and more. Dose: 10 to 200mL/L. pH of 1% solution: 10.1.
Catalog Number: EM-EX0996-20
Supplier: MilliporeSigma

Description: 4L. Removes contamination, burnt-on residues, and organic materials. Phosphate- and halogen-free. Use in ultrasonic cleaning baths. For use on glass, plastic, quartz, porcelain, and more. Dose: 10 to 200mL/L. pH of 1% solution: 10.1.
Catalog Number: EM-EX0996-1
Supplier: MilliporeSigma

Catalog Number: EM1.07563.9010
Supplier: MilliporeSigma

Catalog Number: EM1.07563.2000
Supplier: MilliporeSigma

Catalog Number: EM1.07563.9025
Supplier: MilliporeSigma

Catalog Number: EM1.07559.9025
Supplier: MilliporeSigma


Catalog Number: EM1.07559.2500
Supplier: MilliporeSigma

Catalog Number: EM1.07559.9010
Supplier: MilliporeSigma

Catalog Number: EM1.07561.2500
Supplier: MilliporeSigma

17 - 32 of 861