You Searched For: Calcium Standards

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Catalog Number: TS195885000
Supplier: Thermo Scientific Chemicals

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Catalog Number: TS195881000
Supplier: Thermo Scientific Chemicals

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Description: 1 mL = 10 mg Ca, 10,000 ppm Ca. (CaCO3 in dilute HNO3). Poly Bottle. 120mL
Catalog Number: RC18054
Supplier: Ricca Chemical

Description: 1000 ppm Ca ion in dilute HNO3. For use in standardizing atomic absorption spectrophotometers. 500mL.
Catalog Number: RCACA1KN-500
Supplier: Ricca Chemical

Description: 1000 ppm Ca ion in dilute HCl. For use in standardizing atomic absorption spectrophotometers. 500mL.
Catalog Number: RCACA1KH-500
Supplier: Ricca Chemical

Description: 1000 ppm Ca ion in dilute HNO3. For use in standardizing atomic absorption spectrophotometers. 100mL.
Catalog Number: RCACA1KN-100
Supplier: Ricca Chemical

Description: 1000 ppm Ca ion in dilute HCl. For use in standardizing atomic absorption spectrophotometers. 100mL.
Catalog Number: RCACA1KH-100
Supplier: Ricca Chemical

Description: 1 mL = 10 mg Ca, 10,000 ppm Ca. (CaCO3 in dilute HNO3). Poly Bottle. 500mL
Catalog Number: RC180516
Supplier: Ricca Chemical

Description: 1mL = 1 mg CaCO3 (0.4 mg Ca), 1000 ppm CaCO3 (400 ppm Ca), 0.0100 M Ca2+, 0.0200 N Ca2+. Meets ASTM, APHA, and EPA requirements. Poly Bottle. 500mL
Catalog Number: RC178016
Supplier: Ricca Chemical

Description: 10000ppm Ca. Single element inductively coupled plasma (ICP) metal standard for use in standardizing ICP and AA spectrophotometers for parts per million (ppm) and parts per billion (ppb) analyses.50mL.
Catalog Number: RCPCA10KN-50
Supplier: Ricca Chemical

Description: 10000ppm Ca. Single element inductively coupled plasma (ICP) metal standard for use in standardizing ICP and AA spectrophotometers for parts per million (ppm) and parts per billion (ppb) analyses.100mL.
Catalog Number: RCPCA10KN-100
Supplier: Ricca Chemical

Description: 10000ppm Ca. Single element inductively coupled plasma (ICP) metal standard for use in standardizing ICP and AA spectrophotometers for parts per million (ppm) and parts per billion (ppb) analyses.500mL.
Catalog Number: RCPCA10KN-500
Supplier: Ricca Chemical

Catalog Number: RCRV010335100N
Supplier: Ricca Chemical

Catalog Number: RCRV010335500N
Supplier: Ricca Chemical


Catalog Number: RCRV010335250N
Supplier: Ricca Chemical

Description: AAS standard Solution, Specpure reagent, Ca 1000microg/mL. 100mL.
Catalog Number: AA88057-AE
Supplier: Thermo Scientific Chemicals

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